So I've just remembered that James asked me to look after the blog whilst he's hitchhiking his way across Europe. It would seem that I've disregarded my duties somewhat so I'm hoping to remedy this by writing a quick post now and hopefully something a bit meatier in the next couple of days.
Well, in a bit of a cop-out, I'll write about some bands that I've been listening to recently:
High Places
High Places are a duo from Brooklyn that play experimental, electronic folky kinda stuff. Their sound lies somewhere between Jimmy Tamoerello's Dntel and Animal Collective. I think they're excellent so check 'em:
High Places - From Stardust
The Acorn
My Friend lent me the album 'Glory Hope Mountain' a couple of weeks ago and I've been listening to it ever since. The Acorn are a band from Ottawa, Canada that play some really beautiful indie folk. They are playing at the Fuse festival in Leeds on 2nd May so I'd recommend giving them a listen before then.
The Acorn - Flood Pt.1
Sung Tongs
This Animal Collective album was recorded in 2004 by Avey Tare and Panda Bear. It was recorded using only acoustic guitars and tribal drums and demonstrates a greatly stripped back sound. I only discovered this album a few weeks ago but I think its one of my favourites, although its a much calmer and more peaceful affair it loses none of what make Animal Collective great.
Animal Collective - Winters Love
Just to finish, I wondered if James really meant you should 'defiantly check out' those bands on his Stag and Dagger post? Check them out even though you know you're not supposed to? I don't know...
Well, in a bit of a cop-out, I'll write about some bands that I've been listening to recently:
High Places
High Places are a duo from Brooklyn that play experimental, electronic folky kinda stuff. Their sound lies somewhere between Jimmy Tamoerello's Dntel and Animal Collective. I think they're excellent so check 'em:
High Places - From Stardust
The Acorn
My Friend lent me the album 'Glory Hope Mountain' a couple of weeks ago and I've been listening to it ever since. The Acorn are a band from Ottawa, Canada that play some really beautiful indie folk. They are playing at the Fuse festival in Leeds on 2nd May so I'd recommend giving them a listen before then.
The Acorn - Flood Pt.1
Sung Tongs
This Animal Collective album was recorded in 2004 by Avey Tare and Panda Bear. It was recorded using only acoustic guitars and tribal drums and demonstrates a greatly stripped back sound. I only discovered this album a few weeks ago but I think its one of my favourites, although its a much calmer and more peaceful affair it loses none of what make Animal Collective great.
Animal Collective - Winters Love
Just to finish, I wondered if James really meant you should 'defiantly check out' those bands on his Stag and Dagger post? Check them out even though you know you're not supposed to? I don't know...